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Team Contract

  1. Team Membership. Who are the team members that have agreed to this contract? Adam Bell, Gabriel White, Dmitry Gordeev, Timothy Lum, Adriel White

  2. Contribution Criteria. What criteria will you use to decide if a member has contributed effectively? Examples can include: level of professionalism, leadership, timeliness of attending meetings and submitted work, and willingness to collaborate. Attendance, literal contribution, effort, collaborative/adaptable, timely, and able to take initiative. Timeliness of completion of tasks is paramount for a successful team. If a member finds that he is not completing his tasks in the estimated or reasonable time, he should communicate the problem he is facing with completing the task, the amount of time he expects to need to complete the task, and if he needs help from other members of the group. Each member should also demonstrate a willingness to contribute. This includes volunteering for tasks rather than waiting for the “hardest” or most complex tasks to be taken by others. (Gabriel)

  3. Behavioral Criteria. What criteria will you use to decide if a member has behaved appropriately? Examples include providing feedback without criticizing, being on time and prepared, honoring the terms of this contract, and listening to each other. Each member should be respectful toward the rest of the group. Each member should honor the terms of this contract as well as the motivation behind it when the specific terms of the contract do not apply.

  4. Managing conflict. How will the team manage conflict or disagreement? In the case that a conflict between team members arises, should attempt to address the conflict with the other person. Each member in the conflict should raise their concerns professionally and not single out the character of the other person. If needed, a mediator will serve to reconcile the concerns of each member involved.

  5. Failure to honor the contract. What will happen if someone fails to honor the terms of this agreement? A warning will be issued to the member that there is a concern for the breach of contract. If the member is not responding or does not rectify the concern for the breach of contract then a feral cat will be placed in their sock drawer where they will be scratched when looking for socks. This is to remind them that there are immediate and long term consequences to breaching a contract as their socks will smell and scratches will hurt.

  6. Signatures. The document should conclude with the “signatures” of each team member. You can provide signatures any way you want, but you cannot “sign” for someone else. Timothy Lum(E-sig) Dmitry Gordeev (E-sig) Adam Bell (E-sig) Gabriel White (E-sig) Adriel White (E-sig)